Measuring for a Custom Dog Kennel

Double Extra Large Kennel with open front, barn doors, drawers, chew guards and a dramatic weathered finish.

Double Extra Large Kennel with open front, barn doors, drawers, chew guards and a dramatic weathered finish.

Purpose of Custom Dog Kennel

Kennels are private, cozy spaces for your dog to call their own. A kennel can decrease anxiety and increase your dog’s well-being.

Measurement of Your Dog

You want the kennel to suit your dog and your decor!

You need to assess your pet's length, height and width to start, and then consider they way they like to lay down, curl up or sprawl out.

Length: Measure from nose to tail, add 2-4 inches plus sufficient room for comfort.

Height: Measure the top of your dog's head from the ground. If your dog has erect ears, make sure include those.

Width: Measure from shoulder to shoulder and l, add 2-4 inches plus sufficient room for comfort.

Single extra large kennel with oversized barn door, chew guards, media cubbies and a stained finish.

Kennel Sizes

Kennel and Crate has standard sizes, but we build to order up to 118” long x 50” deep x 50’ tall.

If you don't know what size to get, refer to our standard sizes and if in doubt, going up a size is safer.

Considerations for Puppies

If you purchase a custom kennel for a puppy, consider their full grown size prior to placing your kennel order, and add chew guards!

Contact Kennel and Crate for designer wooden dog kennel. Call/text 405-624-0062, email, use the Connect tab or follow us on any social media @kennelandcrate to learn more!